Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The journey ends...at 'ARYA', a happy place!

Hello and Goodbye - the last blog (hee hee!).
Today we tried to wrap up all the messy ends and get the town looking a bit better.
I finished the sign (see image) and will try and post it on another blog with the history stuff.
The name ARYA was settled on by me and Ed (executive decision!), and it comes from the 'aryans', Hitlers famous vision.

My character, Macgill Akina, is a sexy babe who happened to know the right people to get into Arya. She knew these people through connections made whilst working as an 'escort' to the rich....lucky her. She is expected to also perform some 'extra' duties to maintain her privileged status in Arya.
She does, however, hold considerable resentment towards the men who 'keep' her, and the SS. Secretly, she has been contacted by the resistance and agreed to spy on her 'companions'. She will be instrumental in the plans of the resistance, using her close proximity to the leadership to implement secret operations.
Thanks to Dale for all your help, and to Stefan for your patience and wisdom.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Gotta be quick cos my missus is going to smack me for being late. Here's a pic of a possible welcome sign to 'Somatopia' (can anyone think of a better name?).
Yes, the pictures crap, but it's just here to show something on the blog. The sculpture was done in lightwave and the rest in photoshop. The lightning is easy to do. (Ask me how if interested.) Hopefully I will have something better by next week...homework, if I can squeeze it in somewhere!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

History of Space Station, MMshare and its lucky inhabitants.

Hi Stefan - cos you're probably the only one who will read this. Got a little carried away with the dark side but it was probably therapeutic for me. Not really sure if this is what was imagined/wanted.

The history of the earth, the space station and mmshare from 2008 onwards:

In 2008, significant shifts in the course of human civilisation begin. In the past, a secret society (SS) of fascist/corporate elites has maintained control of western governments through control of international banking, finance, military, intelligence, media and energy industries. Hand picking leaders of political parties and through control of public perceptions through the compliant corporate media, the SS has patiently eliminated socialist governments and manipulated public attitudes to support the globalisation of the world economy and reduction of the power of sovereign states through international treaties and trade agreements that overide state laws.
However, three significant factors threaten the long term agenda of global corporate control:
• The rise of the economic power of China and India challenges US economic control, whilst causing skyrocketing demand for diminishing energy resources.
• Global warming accelerates beyond expectations, leading to increased drought and environmental devastation. This leads to growing public disquiet about corporate control and the general direction of society, and growth in the power and influence of community based action groups.
• The US/Britain/Australia/Canada form a ‘coalition of the willing’ – a strategic alliance – to invade Iran and take control of it’s oil resources. This is done under the guise of Iran interfering in Iraq and supporting international terrorism. Russia, Iran, China, Venezuela form an economic and military alliance to counter the growing imperialism of the western strategic alliance, the face of the SS’s military power. This is called CRILTO – the Chinese, Russian, Iranian, Latin American Treaty Organisation.

Centred on a strategic alliance of the US/NATO/Israel/Britain/Australia, the SS have an emergency meeting to develop long term plans to deal with the upcoming threats to their wealth, privelege, status and control.
A general plan forms which includes:
• Creation of a fictitious external terrorist organisation secretly cntrolled by the western intelligence organisations. This will be used to terrorise the public into accepting stricter population controls, tougher security laws, and justify the military interventions in non- compliant countries. This will be further enhanced by the secondary ‘threat’ (imagined or real) of a global viral pandemic, which will permit restriction of public movement, quarantining of certain individuals otherwise unable to be labelled ‘terrorists’.
• Long term reduction of the global population, in order to minimise growing social demands on western governments as resources dwindle, manufacturing output and food production drop due to environmental devastation and resulting economic collapse/rise in unemployment. The US military begins work on engineering a lethal virus whose only defense will be a vaccine available only to those within the SS organization, and those deemed compliant with the SS’s long term agenda.
• Annexation, colonisation and exploitation of the now thawing Antarctic continent, which has proven oil and mineral reserves. The new space will also support massive future re-settlement program and some food production where other continents are drying up, leading to further huge corporate opportunities.
• ‘Total Information Awareness’ – plan to further develop the already established secret spy networks. Through an organisation called ‘Eamaka’, the SS has long monitored public moods and trends, and spyed on individuals through monitoring of the internet. This organisation secretly mirrors 70% of the world’s web sites. Constantly updated with ‘spyderbots’, this company secretly processes most of the web traffic as an invisible interface, gathering data along the way. In this way they monitor most web traffic. Intelligence agencies have also installed data mining computers in the webs traffic nodes which also monitor the rest of the web traffic. These technologies are further enhanced to establish a massive database which will profile the entire planetary population. All social networking sites, online business sites, email, alternate reality games, community groups are 100% monitored leading to individual psychological profiles and the mapping of all digital social networks. The SS’s National Surveillance Authority (overtly a military intelligence organisation, but controlled by the SS at the top) is secretly monitoring of all mobile communications, including locations of mobile units, as well as locations of cars with GPS units installed. This info is used to further enhance these social network profiles, and map potential threats to global dominance. Employee numbers are increased to >100,000 and a secret city, known as crypto city, is built to house the employees and keep them separate from mainstream, thus more easily controlled.
• Ultimately, Earth’s populations will be convinced of the need to accept implanted microchips in all human beings as a necessary step to combat terrorist threats. This will permit ultimate monitoring of peoples movements, eliminating the weaknesses inherent in the GPS/Mobile phone movement mapping systems.
• The data gathered through all these communications will be fed into a massive ‘psyop’ program that will establish full consciousness control of the population; As the world’s population spends more and more time online, the public will be further moved towards living in alternate reality worlds, where their interactions and experiences are controlled and their minds are unconscioulsy manipulated through binaural sound waves, and light induced brain wave adjustments. This psyop program will come to be known as the “Managing Minds shared network” – or MMshare for short. We will all be happy!

By 2010, a secret space station is being built in the Antarctic base of the SS, for launch within 4 years. This will offer refuge to the leaders and controllers if and when it is deemed necessary to begin either a massive nuclear strike to disable CRILTO, and/or the global viral pandemic to cull the human population. Until such time, it will be offered as a self sustained ‘space resort’ for wealthy and fortunate earthlings.

2014 – Tensions have risen between CRILTO and the western alliance, as the west has embargoed Venezuela and Iran. China responds by withdrawn all investment that has propped up the US economy, and CRILTO has prepared for imminent military hostilities. Hostilities are deemed inevitable, but the Western Alliance decides to begin ‘Operation Hegel’ – a desperate first strike action that plans to destroy the opposition from within by collapsing their economy, administrative capacity and social fabric – the lethal virus is released within the CRILTO member states. All population movement between CRILTO/Western nations is restricted to try and contain the virus, but the SS know it’s only buying time till the virus attacks the west.
By the end of the year the virus has entered many western nations and their governments have declared martial law in all nations. Government and administrative operations, as well as many of the elite, have moved to the Antarctic base, the only place where population movement can be fully controlled. Biodomes have been built to grow food but productivity is low due to low natural light levels. A giant space based reflector is planned to increase light to the Antarctic continent, but is a couple of years off completion. Population capacity is still limited.
In the mean time, CRILTO spies have smuggled out the plague virus vaccine and their scientists, having worked furiously to duplicate it, are already vaccinating their own elite, and will soon start vaccinating the public. It remains to be seen whether operation Hegel could backfire, eliminating most westerners, but leaving many CRILTO nations less impacted.

2015 – Operation Hegel has had only limited success and the western alliance readies for a nuclear first strike but CRILTO decides attack is the best form of defense, they attack first. The Antarctic base is successfully defended against nuclear missile strikes but much of the rest of the world is destroyed. The wests’ secret militarisation of space has paid off with CRILTO being effectively eliminated by satellite based nuclear weapons. A nuclear winter begins. Ironically this will cool the planet and temporarily reverse global warming. Much of the stratospheric dust is centred on tropical regions, permitting sunlight to get through to the Antarctic base. Life on earth is devastated most of the population is gone within the next few months and the SS abandon their long term plans. With the installation of half of the space reflector, and radiation shields on many of the biodomes, the Antarctic base can now sustain a considerable community, though social stresses threaten to tear it apart.

2017 – The space station is launched. The SS within the Antarctic community has been factionally divided and a coup has been staged within. An uneasy alliance between factional leaders Ed and Jay has gained the upper hand, with one now self appointed as President and one Vice President….. Many people are sentenced to slave labour in the now toxic/radiated outer biodomes and mineral mines across Antarctica. Life expectancy for them is short! Scientists and food producers are left in the Earth statin, whilst the SS elite dominate the space station, where there are less environmental threats. Earth bound employees are given Rest and Recreation leave in the space station. Meanwhile, Jay and Ed control the remaining populace through psyop and mind control methods. The population within Antarctica and the space station are all made artificially happy, spending much of their time in ‘alternate reality’ therapy. For many, work, leisure and social interactions are enacted within this alternate world, with bodily functions and life support maintained via IV drips and catheter bags. The environment is heavily managed via MMshare, which by now has developed into a complete reality control network. While Jay and Ed sit in ultimate control in their tower, up the top of the space station, a secret resistance has been formed within the Antarctic community – mostly consisting of concerned scientists (deemed unreliable but necessary by the SS) who have maintained ideals of equality and humanity. Unplugged and aware, they are planning and biding their time, ready to destroy MMshare and bring down the government of Jay and Ed, if it doesn’t destroy itself from within.

Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction – any relation to actual events, people and organisations is purely coincidental!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

History of Second Life world and MMshare

Note: The following is pure fiction – any relation to actual events, people, organisations is purely coincidental! Sorry - this isn't complete - see note at end.
(The image is a snapshot of the "Northwoods document" - look it up on wikipedia for more info- I just included it to enhance the theme!)

A brief History of MMshare-

In 2008, significant shifts in the course of human civilisation begin. In the past, a secret society (SS) of fascist/corporate elites has maintained control of western governments through control of international banking, finance, military, intelligence, media and energy industries. Hand picking leaders of political parties and through control of public perceptions through the compliant corporate media, the SS has patiently eliminated socialist governments and manipulated public attitudes to support the globalisation of the world economy and reduction of the power of sovereign states through international treaties and trade agreements that overide state laws.
However, three significant factors threaten the long term agenda of global corporate control:
• The rise of the economic power of China and India challenges US economic control, whilst causing skyrocketing demand for diminishing energy resources.
• Global warming accelerates beyond expectations, leading to increased drought and environmental devastation. This leads to growing public disquiet about corporate control and the general direction of society, and growth in community based action groups.
• The US/Britain/Australia/Canada form a ‘coalition of the willing’ – a strategic alliance – to invade Iran and take control of it’s oil resources. This is done under the guise of Iran interfering in Iraq and supporting international terrorism. Russia, Iran, China, Venezuela form an economic and military alliance to counter the growing imperialism of the western strategic alliance, the face of the SS’s military power. This is called CRILTO – the Chinese, Russian, Iranian, Latin American Treaty Organisation.

Centred on a strategic alliance of the US/NATO/Israel/Britain/Australia, the SS have an emergency meeting to develop long term plans to deal with the upcoming threats to their wealth, privelege, status and control.
A general plan forms which includes:
• Creation of an fictitious external terrorist organisation secretly cntrolled by the western intelligence organisations. This will be used to terrorise the public into accepting stricter population controls, tougher security laws. This will be further enhanced by the secondary ‘threat’ of a global viral pandemic, which will permit restriction of public movement, quarantining of certain individuals otherwise unable to be labelled ‘terrorists’.
• Long term reduction of the global population, in order to minimise growing social demands on western governments as resources dwindle and food production drops.
• Annexation, colonisation and exploitation of the now thawing Antarctic continent, which has proven oil and mineral reserves. The new space will also support future settlement and food production where other continents are drying up, leading to further huge corporate opportunities.
• ‘Total Information Awareness’ – plan to further develop the already established public spy networks. Through an organisation called ‘Eamaka’, the SS has long monitored public moods and trends, and spyed on individuals through monitoring of the internet. This organisation secretly mirrors 70% of the world’s web sites. Constantly updated with ‘spyderbots’, this company secretly processes most of the web traffic as an invisible interface. In this way they monitor most web traffic. Intelligence agencies have also installed Data mining computers in the webs traffic nodes which also monitor the rest of the web traffic. These technologies are further enhanced to establish a massive database which will profile the entire planetary population. All social networking sites, online business sites, email, alternate reality games, community groups are 100% monitored leading to individual psychological profiles and the mapping of all digital social networks. Secret monitoring of all mobile communications, including locations of mobile units, as well as locations of cars with GPS units installed, is used to further enhance these social netwrok profiles.
• This data will aslo be fed into a massive ‘psyop’ program that will establish full consciousness control of the population; As the world’s population spends more and more time online, the public will be further moved towards living in alternate reality worlds, where their interactions and experiences are controlled and their minds are unconscioulsy manipulated through binaural sound waves, and light induced brain wave adjustments. This psyop program will come to be known as the “Managing Minds shared network” – or MMshare for short. We will all be happy!

To be continued…… basically, we have a nuclear conflict, collaspe of world production and economy and deliberate global pandemic, and internal power strugles within the SS, lead to 2 major contenders – Jay and Ed – who have signed a truce to buy time with each other (much as Hitler and Stalin did) – but we all know that sooner or later it will come down to one ultimate ruler…who will it be?

I didn’t bring home all the work I had previously done on this at school (too many beers from the gallery upstairs!) and I had only 3.5 hours sleep last night finsihng the 3D assignment (thanks for letting me know it wasn’t due till next week everyone!). So I will finish this as soon as possible, but you get the gist.
If it’s all too dark, or these ideas clash with other plans please comment.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

week10 part2

We decided! Sort of! Our world seems to be a central dome with many orbiting domes, all interconnected by a ring. Not sure how these smaller domes connect to the big one!
Our secret room will be a higher dome that overlooks all the others. You can only get there after collecting clues - probably letters to make a password - from the individual domes.
Other ideas were -
rotating domes
secret society membership to enter secret dome.
Rewards in the secret dome - a t-shirt?
Cheers! D.


Week 10 and we got whipped into shape by Stefan!

Our station is forming - big bubbles attached by straws. And maybe my space elevator.
I find the differing opinions and ideas in class pretty amusing, but it probably reflects a lack of clarity and direction about what we are trying to achieve as well.
Being battered by life and having lost all hope of a better world, I come to this with the approach that we shouldn't aim too high with our ambitions, do what needs to be done and what is achievable within the time frame.
I liked Nathan's idea of a central bar, but didn't fight for this due to the above - it seems fairly idealistic and based on the assumption that we are going to build a place where people are going to want to come and spend time, and perhaps experience some social interaction. Well maybe 'if you build it, they will come', but maybe also this is really just a class exercise, done to pass the requirements of the course, and destined to be confined to the dusty archives of people hard drives till the space is needed for more important things.
Stefan, you're not allowed to mark me down for pessimism!
Anyway, I enjoyed researching space elevators - learned some new things, especially about carbon nanotubes - cool material!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

week 9???

Go baby, go!
Killer slugs!
She's hot! (oops, too many drinks from the art expo upstairs!)