Wednesday, October 17, 2007

History of Second Life world and MMshare

Note: The following is pure fiction – any relation to actual events, people, organisations is purely coincidental! Sorry - this isn't complete - see note at end.
(The image is a snapshot of the "Northwoods document" - look it up on wikipedia for more info- I just included it to enhance the theme!)

A brief History of MMshare-

In 2008, significant shifts in the course of human civilisation begin. In the past, a secret society (SS) of fascist/corporate elites has maintained control of western governments through control of international banking, finance, military, intelligence, media and energy industries. Hand picking leaders of political parties and through control of public perceptions through the compliant corporate media, the SS has patiently eliminated socialist governments and manipulated public attitudes to support the globalisation of the world economy and reduction of the power of sovereign states through international treaties and trade agreements that overide state laws.
However, three significant factors threaten the long term agenda of global corporate control:
• The rise of the economic power of China and India challenges US economic control, whilst causing skyrocketing demand for diminishing energy resources.
• Global warming accelerates beyond expectations, leading to increased drought and environmental devastation. This leads to growing public disquiet about corporate control and the general direction of society, and growth in community based action groups.
• The US/Britain/Australia/Canada form a ‘coalition of the willing’ – a strategic alliance – to invade Iran and take control of it’s oil resources. This is done under the guise of Iran interfering in Iraq and supporting international terrorism. Russia, Iran, China, Venezuela form an economic and military alliance to counter the growing imperialism of the western strategic alliance, the face of the SS’s military power. This is called CRILTO – the Chinese, Russian, Iranian, Latin American Treaty Organisation.

Centred on a strategic alliance of the US/NATO/Israel/Britain/Australia, the SS have an emergency meeting to develop long term plans to deal with the upcoming threats to their wealth, privelege, status and control.
A general plan forms which includes:
• Creation of an fictitious external terrorist organisation secretly cntrolled by the western intelligence organisations. This will be used to terrorise the public into accepting stricter population controls, tougher security laws. This will be further enhanced by the secondary ‘threat’ of a global viral pandemic, which will permit restriction of public movement, quarantining of certain individuals otherwise unable to be labelled ‘terrorists’.
• Long term reduction of the global population, in order to minimise growing social demands on western governments as resources dwindle and food production drops.
• Annexation, colonisation and exploitation of the now thawing Antarctic continent, which has proven oil and mineral reserves. The new space will also support future settlement and food production where other continents are drying up, leading to further huge corporate opportunities.
• ‘Total Information Awareness’ – plan to further develop the already established public spy networks. Through an organisation called ‘Eamaka’, the SS has long monitored public moods and trends, and spyed on individuals through monitoring of the internet. This organisation secretly mirrors 70% of the world’s web sites. Constantly updated with ‘spyderbots’, this company secretly processes most of the web traffic as an invisible interface. In this way they monitor most web traffic. Intelligence agencies have also installed Data mining computers in the webs traffic nodes which also monitor the rest of the web traffic. These technologies are further enhanced to establish a massive database which will profile the entire planetary population. All social networking sites, online business sites, email, alternate reality games, community groups are 100% monitored leading to individual psychological profiles and the mapping of all digital social networks. Secret monitoring of all mobile communications, including locations of mobile units, as well as locations of cars with GPS units installed, is used to further enhance these social netwrok profiles.
• This data will aslo be fed into a massive ‘psyop’ program that will establish full consciousness control of the population; As the world’s population spends more and more time online, the public will be further moved towards living in alternate reality worlds, where their interactions and experiences are controlled and their minds are unconscioulsy manipulated through binaural sound waves, and light induced brain wave adjustments. This psyop program will come to be known as the “Managing Minds shared network” – or MMshare for short. We will all be happy!

To be continued…… basically, we have a nuclear conflict, collaspe of world production and economy and deliberate global pandemic, and internal power strugles within the SS, lead to 2 major contenders – Jay and Ed – who have signed a truce to buy time with each other (much as Hitler and Stalin did) – but we all know that sooner or later it will come down to one ultimate ruler…who will it be?

I didn’t bring home all the work I had previously done on this at school (too many beers from the gallery upstairs!) and I had only 3.5 hours sleep last night finsihng the 3D assignment (thanks for letting me know it wasn’t due till next week everyone!). So I will finish this as soon as possible, but you get the gist.
If it’s all too dark, or these ideas clash with other plans please comment.

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