Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Week 10 and we got whipped into shape by Stefan!

Our station is forming - big bubbles attached by straws. And maybe my space elevator.
I find the differing opinions and ideas in class pretty amusing, but it probably reflects a lack of clarity and direction about what we are trying to achieve as well.
Being battered by life and having lost all hope of a better world, I come to this with the approach that we shouldn't aim too high with our ambitions, do what needs to be done and what is achievable within the time frame.
I liked Nathan's idea of a central bar, but didn't fight for this due to the above - it seems fairly idealistic and based on the assumption that we are going to build a place where people are going to want to come and spend time, and perhaps experience some social interaction. Well maybe 'if you build it, they will come', but maybe also this is really just a class exercise, done to pass the requirements of the course, and destined to be confined to the dusty archives of people hard drives till the space is needed for more important things.
Stefan, you're not allowed to mark me down for pessimism!
Anyway, I enjoyed researching space elevators - learned some new things, especially about carbon nanotubes - cool material!

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