Tuesday, July 31, 2007

What we did today - nitpick about grammar's, or was that grammars'?????
my character kit -
I see myself as committed, spiritual,interested in good and creation, happy, wise.
I am a mazda urvan (not a nissan urvan!)
I dress to accentuate creativity
I dress to hide pretentious signs of wealth
I lead with my heart
A good night is creative/constructive
A bad night is wasted/destructive
I value my best friend because she completes me, corrects me, guides me.
My favourite movie is 'Crash'
Relaxing means good company and good food.

Thats all folks - I wanna go home! Oh, the image? Thats me relaxing in the pool...gorgeous aren't I!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Hmm - very distracted today, but have to post so here it is..........!
....spose I'd better write something else...hmmmm...... life two?????
Is this really relevant to the subject? I'm cynical....nothing new there!

OH - thats my uncle checking out the valiant.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Hi - just a scribble to try this out!!
More when it's warranted.

Thats me over there. The one on the right!
...or maybe it's the other one? I don't know for sure cos it was in a past life and I can't remember it.